Is Clementine Ford Really "OUT"?

Monday, March 9, 2009

So, I know I'm like waaay late with this story, but things are crazy in my life right now so I try to keep up as best as possible!

Any who, Clemmy is officially a gay woman, but she kind of scares me! I think she still might like creepy testosterone species! I mean she was married to Chad Todhunter. But, she told Diva Magazine in her 6 page spread...

"The truth is that I'm not technically out yet, there. Put that in your magazine. For me, there's never been a distinction about anything to do with sexuality, so there was no declaration to be made. My siblings and I would bring home men and women, and as long as they were human, it wasn't a big thing."

Clementine Ford is the lucky daughter of Cyball Shepherd, who sounds like a pretty sweet and fantastic mother to me! Ford also co-starred along side her mother in the hit and sadly missed Lesbian series "The L Word" as Molly who dated Shane. It is rumor that Kate Moennig and Clemmy are dating but she will not for sure say YES WE ARE because she doesn't want to jinx her newly found relationship which, I don't blame her!!

Look how cute they are! If you two are dating... I wish you all the best in this crazy Lesbian lifestyle we have all created!! Clemmy, I officially tip my hat to you!

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