December 1st marks yet another World Aids Day! This year "Join(Red)" has teamed up with (NIKE) in the effort to Fight Aids! You can purchase your set of (RED) laces HERE!

Another new twist to the Join(RED) campaign is the use of the latest social networking sites. Both Facebook and Twitter have gone red this December 1st in honor of fighting the cause! Don't forget to use #RED at the end of every TWEET! If you do, your tweet will literally be (RED)! As for facebook, please become a fan of Join(RED) and make your profile picture one of its many "fighting" icons!
Also, the Starbucks Love Project has been (RED) for several years now! On December 1st only, for every handcrafted drink that is ordered Starbucks will donate 5¢ U.S to the global fund to help fight Aids!

Last but not least, I took it upon myself to make LEAF STRING (RED)! At the top left of my blog you will see that I am also fighting for the cause.. the link will direct you to the Join(RED) website where you can purchase many (RED) products from several different company's.

(Please show your support for World Aids Day whichever way you can!)
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