First Lady Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On a trip to France, Michelle Obama had the pleasure of meeting their first lady, Carla Bruni! Obama's trip went something like this:

Michelle: "Hmm... what a rather fascinating woman, she wears bows around her neck like I do! I wonder if her skin is as soft as mine. I think her eyes are green, maybe they are blue... oh I don't know but they sure were beautiful, maybe I'll just take a quick glance... oh better not, those cameras keep flashing god knows what they will do to a girl. Ohh... but I just want to glimpse so bad, blue... green..., I can't take it anymore. Damn I want that dress, it looks goood on her!"

Carla: Ze iz za most butiful gil I zee in za longezt time. Wonder if ze is zinking of me rightz now? I zon't even zknow whatz zis zong iz. Why ze have heer hand on zi breast...? Oh, Iz knew ze waz zinking ofz me!

Carla: "Zo Mizelle, zu like fazion juzt az I do?"

Michelle: "Gurl fashion is my middle name, and your eyes are about to become my last!"

Carla: "Zmyaybe if zme handz zwingz faztir it will hit heerz and zi will touch eachother and be holzing zi handz, likez zi wizh to do for zo longz!"

Michelle: "I wonder if my President would mind if I just touched her hand, just to see if her skin is as soft as mine... that's it, no other intentions at all. It looks gay, but I'm not, just the soft skin issue... honestly!"

Michelle: "Oh, thank the good lord up there who got me where I am today... SOFT, SOFT skin, oh it's so soft It's got me wanting more! And her eyes... they are green, so green and beautiful, and what am I going delirious? Oh, I don't care I need more, give me more Carla... Show me some love, look at me I'm smirking at you! I don't smirk at anybody or anything except my husband but he won't mind if I just borrow you for the day, evening, weekend... Oh please don't let go of my hand, the softness...!"

Carla: "Zmy zweet Mizelle, oh youz eyez, you'z glow you'z haze... You'zar onze of za kind and zmy handz finaly hitz yurz! And zmy eyze andz zur eyez connect in zat zpezial way, juzt wantz to feelz zur lipz now, if iz zoft az urz handz... I'm all zurz!"

Carla: "Ohh, Zmmm.... I'lz holz you allz day longz, don't leave me now, I'm allz yourz!"

Michelle: "Soft, so soft... her lips are amazing, her strength... That tight lock of the elbow, the lock of the lips... wheww, just one more day...! Oh, Carla... it's you I am destined for in this role that I'm in!"

Michelle: "So do you think we fooled 'em?"

Carla: "Hee hee, Zi think wez foolz zem all! (Iz waz not fooled, zmy hand zwung to yourz)!"

"I love that woman. Just look at her designer!"

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