I hate for this to be the first insert, but "COME ON"! Miley Cyrus? The sweet innocent "sweet-nibblets" who wants, and has claimed many times to stand out as a role model for young girls. But what constitutes young? We are talking little girls as young as 5 years-old who have not one clue as to why their sensational 15 year-old idol is dressed and posed this way?

And if it’s not a photo shoot skimping out the child actress/singing sensation then it’s a home photo shoot.

Do we see what is wrong with society these days? Do we understand that children growing up only imitate what they see without being aware of what they are portraying? All kids look up to an older more mature person in order to develop some sort of identity. The identities that these celebrities are creating for these children are horrific. The knowledge of these innocent children is not there and when they do learn and understand why there 15 year-old “hero” is portraying its then too late, which equals one more corrupted child in this world.

The sad part to this is that Cyrus is posing with her father Billy Ray Cyrus so sexually. “COME ON”! What this explicates to is a new (heaven forbid) sexual way to “bond” with your daughter. I mean really, is this exploitation or what? A lot of people are raving that indeed this is exploitation of 15 year-old Miley Cyrus. Somebody had to consent to these photos; we know it wasn’t the young hip rock-n-roll sensation herself. So is this exploitation or not? You be the judge!

Hey Olive,
This is a really good start to your blog. Yes, I agree that this is definitely a huge issue in today's society. The teen idols seem to be getting "older" the younger that they are. Ironic as that sounds, it is very true. Also, the images that they portray are giving children the wrong idea about certain things. For example, Britney Spears got her big break with the music video for "Oops...I Did It Again!" First of all, what could she possibly have done AGAIN, at the age of 15? And second of all, is it necessary to be dressed like a "sexy" school girl in a uniform? What does that leave children to think? "When I go to school I should hike up my skirt and tie my shirt up?" Another thing that really gets me is the issue about Jessica Simpson's father exploiting her. Granted she is a bit older than Miley, there is still no excuse for a parent to exploit their children. I hear that Jessica's father says that her boobs should be showing at all times because they are D's!! When did parents ever come to the conclusion that their children are "sexy"? As a woman, I think that exploitation of other women, especially young girls is degrading to our sex as a whole. We need to appreciate our bodies and treat them accordingly. If we all play out to be these lustful sex toys, then what does that leave a man to think? Only one thing....that WE are THEIR sex toys to play with!
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